The Alien Mega Structure Mystery Finally Solved

KIC8462852 strangeness was observed and later reported by Yale astronomer Tabitha Boyajian in a paper. This was after the discovery of strange dips in the light. The discovery was made by Planet Hunters: the citizen science group. Everyone was interested in Tabitha’s star, and even another paper published how the variations had similarities and consistency with a group of alien mega structures. 
More studies have shown that the mega structures assumed to be of Alien origin were cool and quiet and had no infrared emission that is associated with mega structures. SETI institute was not able to detect any radio wave sources that were artificial. The irregular dip in luminosity was attributed to the large groups of comets
In January a study was carried out that showed that the alien mega structure has been diminishing at a very high rate and in large amounts over 100 years. The star had diminished by 20%, according to the study that used data from DASCH (Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard). The data was collected from 1885 to 1993. The discovery was shocking as the comet theory was not able to explain the long term diminishing process. KIC8462852 is a regular F type star that is slightly bigger than the sun and has higher temperatures than the sun. Its diminishing was indeed puzzling. Since no one was able to come up with a logic, natural explanation, many suggested that maybe aliens could be the ones stealing stellar material from the star causing the star to diminish.
The answer was finally found in a new study that was recently approved by Astrophysical Journal for Publication: The difference in brightness is not caused by the fact that the star is diminishing but it’s due to the different telescopes that were used in observing the star. Data from DASCH was used again, but now they looked at 94 standard stars that had their luminosity known. The researchers were looking for potential bias in the catalog by comparing the change in luminosities of these stars over a given period of time. “Most stars were observed to have experienced a similar drop as Tabby stars in the 1960s,” says Professor Keivan Stassum the senior author of the study, “this shows that the changes observed were due to equipment’s and not the star’s brightness reducing”
Well, at least KIC8462852 is not an alien base, but it’s still one of the most interesting space discoveries that have caught the interest of the Kepler Space observatory. Its luminosity variations still puzzle many astronomers and are yet to find proven explanations in the near future.


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