Weight Loss: How To Use Sabja (Basil) Seeds To Lose Weight Effectively
Weight Loss: How To Use Sabja (Basil) Seeds To Lose Weight Effectively Seeds have become the new superfoods; they not only possess essential nutrients but help lose weight efficiently. Amongst the many seeds, ranging from chia seeds to flax seeds and pumpkin seeds , sabja or basil seeds have gained a reputation for helping you shed off those kilos. Also known as tukmaria, sweet basil seeds and tulsi seeds, these seeds help reduce body heat, control blood sugar levels, relieve constipation and bloating, and treat acidity and heartburn. And, that's not it, sabja seeds are known to be great for your skin and hair. They are rich in antioxidants and have immunity-boosting properties. Nowadays, they are being hailed for their weight loss properties; thanks to a lot of fibre content present in them. Let's see what makes sabja seeds good for weight loss and learn how to use them to get rid of the extra fat.. How Do Sabja Seeds Help In Losing Weigh...